School Council
New Park Primary School
School Council
What we do:
At the beginning of each academic year each class begins their Class Council meetings. Those children that wish to represent their class as the School Council Representative then nominate themselves and Class Council elections are held. Two School Council Reps are then voted for and nominated by their class council. The School Council Reps then attend weekly School Council meetings. As part of their role they take ideas to meetings and then feedback to their Class Councils the events of the School Council meetings.
1S - Harvey Robinson and Melissa Mircioiu
1R - Pavel Crewe-McCabe and Tamicca Ajayi
2M- Joel Duffy and Georgina O'Connor
2B - David Marcos and Sehansa Ranasinghe
3L - Cewkie Wenton and Dylan Hogg
3E - Chloe Manyana and Luke Collinge
4C - Lucie Duggan and Robert Morris
4S - Idy Akpan and Dylan Hogg
5C - Lucy Calvert and George Miller
5DT - Molly Elliot and Joe Bond
5ST- Jack Griffiths and Romina Mircioiu
6A - Marnie Graham and Quincy Mhiza
6W - Erin Napier and Sean Lee
Miss. McDonald 2M classroom
Thursday lunchtime each week (date depending)
12.00 prompt
The agenda for each meeting is sent around for staff and Class Councils to list any items they wish to be raised at meetings the week before the School Council meet. Information will be shared below under 'recent news'.
The minutes of each meeting are typed/written by our School Council Secretary, and then shared with Class Councils. Issues raised will also be shared below.
Chair/Vice Chair & Secretary:
All School Council meetings are chaired by our Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Our School Council Secretary.
If you have anything you wish to add to the Agenda then please see your School Council representative.
- The School council recently met with Paul Fillis, Chair of Governors, and are currently working closely with him on obtaining the 'Rights Respecting' award.
- We are helping Elizabeth with designing information and feedback forms for her services.
- The idea of a 'friendship bench' in the playground was raised. A design has been sent to Mrs Hutchings for consideration.
- We have organised a 'Pudsey Pyjama Party' for Children in Need on Friday 15th November.
- We have recently received our certificate for the money we raised for 'Jeans for Genes Day'.
The children regularly visit Liverpool Town Hall to take part in workshops and debate and discuss topical issues in the Council Chambers with other Lower House Liverpool School Parliament members.