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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Rationale


At New Park Primary School, we strive to provide a purposeful and empowering curriculum so that children are fully prepared for the next steps on their journey through school and the wider world.


At the heart of our curriculum are the fundamental skills of English and Mathematics, which underpin our ambitious, exciting and vibrant curriculum.


We have designed our curriculum to ensure there is a carefully planned programme of enrichment activities and experiences in all subject areas to excite, enthuse and to extend learning beyond the classroom. We celebrate our locality and nurture children’s understanding of the communities of which they are part of. 


Curriculum aims:


At New Park Primary, our curriculum aims to:


  • Celebrate our children
  • Provide a broad and balanced education with an emphasis on developing and building upon basic skills
  • Offer an education for all children that is logically planned and sequenced and develops the knowledge and skills required for future learning, the next phase of education and life outside of the school gates
  • Equip children with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding and self-awareness so that they know how to contribute positively to society
  • Contribute effectively to building self-regulating, self-motivated children who consistently demonstrate respect, leadership and resilience when faced with adversity and challenge
  • Provide high quality teaching experiences, which engage, enthuse and motivate children in the classroom and beyond
  • Provide a curriculum that encourages pupils to extend their interests beyond school for example, extra-curricular clubs
  • Monitor and assess progression in attainment and application of skills
  • Ensure our children know what they are learning and WHY and allow time to engage, reflect and review.
  • Encourage and facilitate children in developing the relevant skills in order for them to grow into aspirational, innovative, creative, strategic-thinking individuals who are equipped for life outside of our school gates.