New School Build - Parent Information
Dear Parent/Carer,
New Park Primary-new school building open to pupils Monday 15th June 2015
We are delighted to inform you that our new school building will be completed and ready for teaching on Monday 15th June 2015.
As you will know from previous consultations and notices we are 1 of only 2 schools in Liverpool to benefit from a new school building.
The logistics of packing up, relocating and unpacking an entire school are understandably massive.
As per common practice, the Director of Children and Young People’s Services for Liverpool has granted permission to close the school to pupils from Monday 1st June to Friday 12th June 2015. This means that pupils will break for the half term holiday on Friday 22nd May and return to school at 8.55am on Monday 15th June (Breakfast Club will be open from Monday 22nd June 7.30am).
The School and the Governing Body understand that this will impact on many of you and can only apologise in advance. The impact is the same as if the school was closed due to adverse weather, fire or other health and safety issues.
However, the School, the Local Authority and Contractors have explored all options to minimise disruption throughout the process and believe this will help ensure that we start life in our new building in a positive, orderly and safe way.
When the dust has settled and we are all moved in, it will be wonderful to have a new school befitting of the 21st Century that will enhance the talents and aspirations of all our pupils.
If you have any further questions in relation to the new school building and/or the enforced closure, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Povey or myself. Further details regarding entry to the new school will follow nearer the time
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
Kind regards
Karen Hutchings
Head Teacher