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Closure of School


Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your continued support at this very tricky time.  Your ongoing support is very much appreciated.  


We have been closely monitoring staffing levels due to self isolation and government guidance.   New guidance around adults with chronic health conditions has meant that we have had to send an extremely large number of staff home.  


Unfortunately, staffing levels are now untenable as we are now unable to man the school safely.  As a result, I have made the decision, along with our Chair of Trust, to close New Park Primary School from tomorrow, Thursday 19th March 2020.  This is not a decision we have made lightly but safety of our children is paramount. 


Please see our website and/or Twitter for updates.  The school building will be open tomorrow as normal from 7.30 am. There will be packs of work available for you to collect tomorrow for your children.


Thank you for your understanding.